

To become a member of the Marine Exchange of Alaska, complete the membership form. Once submitted, you will receive an e-mail from with an invoice. Invoices are typically processed within a few hours during normal business hours. If you do not receive an e-mail please check your spam/junk folders. After payment is processed, a "Welcome Aboard" e-mail will be sent with a PACTRACS username and password. For further assistance contact 907-463-2607.

Boatswain Membership

  • Standard - $700/year - Terrestrial AIS Data in Alaska and Puget Sound
  • Gold - $1000/year - Includes Standard Boatswain coverage plus satellite AIS data in Zone 1

  • ONE PACTRACS TERRESTRIAL AIS vessel tracking account OR, direct AIS data feed to your existing TimeZero Professional or Coastal Monitoring software
    • Includes access to ALL Alaska and Puget Sound, Washington terrestrial sites
  • Access to 180 days of historical data (PACTRACS only and limited to terrestrial coverage)
  • Discounted rates for Historical Data projects
  • Includes 10% off Print on Demand Nautical Charts
  • 10% off each additional tracking account purchased - Standard $630/year; Gold $900/year

Chief Mate Membership

  • Gold - $1120/year - Terrestrial & Satellite AIS Data
  • Platinum - $1500/year - Terrestrial & Real Time Satellite AIS Data

  • ONE PACTRACS SATELLITE AIS vessel tracking account OR, direct AIS data feed to your existing TimeZero Professional or Coastal Monitoring software
    • Includes COVERAGE for Zones 1 & 2 (see image below) AND
    • Access to ALL Alaska and Puget Sound, Washington terrestrial sites
  • Access to 180 days of historical data (PACTRACS only)
  • Discounted rates for Historical Data projects
  • Access to Regulatory Compliance services
  • Includes 10% off Print on Demand Nautical Charts
  • 10% off each additional tracking account purchased - Gold $1008/year; Platinum $1350/year

Captain Membership

  • Gold - $2160/year - Terrestrial & Satellite AIS Data
  • Platinum - $2900/year - Terrestrial & Real Time Satellite AIS Data

  • ONE PACTRACS SATELLITE AIS vessel tracking account OR, direct AIS data feed to your existing TimeZero Professional or Coastal Monitoring software
    • Includes COVERAGE for Zones 1, 2 AND 3 (AIS-A only) see image below AND
    • Access to ALL Alaska and Puget Sound, Washington terrestrial sites
  • Access to 180 days of historical data (PACTRACS only)
  • Discounted rates for Historical Data projects
  • Access to Regulatory Compliance services
  • Includes 10% off Print on Demand Nautical Charts
  • 10% off each additional tracking account purchased - Gold $1944/year; Platinum $2610/year

    Membership Level*:

    Your name*:

    Company/Org/Vessel Name*:

    Preferred Account Username(s)*:





    E-mail address*:



    Fields with an "*" are required.


    Current Members

    48' Northstar Farms
    Alaska Boat Company
    Alaska Chadux Corporation
    Alaska Communication System
    Alaska Cruise Association
    Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC)
    Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG) 
    Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission
    Alaska General Seafoods
    Alaska Glacier Seafoods
    Alaska Groundfish Data Bank
    Alaska Logistics
    Alaska Marine Excavation
    Alaska Marine Highway System
    Alaska Marine Lines
    Alaska Marine Pilots Association
    Alaska Maritime Agencies
    Alaska Power and Telephone
    Alaska Sea Grant
    Alaska Seafood Cooperative 
    Alaska Whitefish Trawlers Association
    Alaskan Star Fisheries
    Aleut Ventures
    Aleutian Pribilof Island Community Development Association (APICDA)
    Aleutian Spray Fisheries
    Aleutians East Borough
    Allen Marine Tours
    Alyeska Pipeline Service Company (SERVS)
    Alyeska Seafoods
    AMAK Towing
    American Marine International
    American Seafoods Company
    AMSPEC Alaska
    Arctic Lady
    Arctic Storm Management Group
    Arctic Watch
    Atlanta Corp
    Auriga and Aurora Partnership
    B&N Fisheries
    Bering North
    Bering Pacific Services
    Bering Sea Fisheries Research Foundation
    Bering Straits Native Corporation
    Bering Pacific Services
    Black Sea Fisheries, Inc
    Bowhead Transport
    Boyer Towing
    Brice Marine
    Brice Solutions
    Bristol Bay Economic Development Council 
    Bristol Bay Industrial Fuels
    Bristol Wave Seafoods
    Bruin Partner
    Bureau of Ocean and Energy Management
    Cape Reliance Fisheries
    Carnival Cruise Lines
    Cascadia International Group
    Centerline Logistics Corp.
    Chandler Fisheries
    Chenega Corporation
    Cherokee Fisheries
    City and Borough of Yakutat
    City and Borough of Juneau
    City of Adak
    City of Akutan
    City of Kake
    City of Kotzebue
    City of Skagway
    City of Unalaska
    City of Wrangell
    CMA Group
    Coastal Alaska Premium Seafoods
    Coastal Marine Fund
    Collier Walsh Nakazawa
    Cook Inlet Marine
    Cook Inlet Tug & Barge
    Cooper Fishing
    Copper River Seafoods
    Cordova Telecom Cooperative
    Courtney Noral Fisheries
    Crowley Marine Services, Inc.
    Cruz Construction
    D & G Fishing
    Dale Pederson (FV Celtic)
    Dana F. Besecker Company, Inc
    Deep Sea Fisheries
    Deforge Maritime Towing
    Delta Western Fuel
    Disney Cruise Lines
    Division One
    DM Fisheries
    Drake Construction
    Dunlap Towing, Inc
    EC Phillips and Son, Inc.
    E & E Foods
    Endurance Fish Company
    F/V Celtic
    F/V Cora J
    F/V Deliverance
    F/V Elizabeth F
    F/V Erla N
    F/V Excalibur II
    F/V Gold Rush
    F/V Golden Pisces
    F/V Haili Lynn
    F/V Heather Margene
    F/V Ida Lee
    F/V Intangible
    F/V Kustatan
    F/V Lady Elias
    F/V Lady Lee Dawn
    F/V Lady Rosemary
    F/V Miss Leona
    F/V Miss Mary
    F/V Mist Harbor
    F/V Odin
    F/V Pinnacle and Owners
    F/V Pegasus
    F/V Rita Maria
    F/V Robert Magnus
    F/V Royal Atlantic
    F/V Saint Peter
    F/V Seadawn
    F/V Vixen
    F/V Westerly
    F/V Winter Bay
    FAS Seafood Processors
    Fortune Sea
    Foss Maritime
    Fury Group
    Gastineau Guiding
    Gen lV, llc.
    Glacier Bay National Park
    Glacier Fish Company
    Global Diving & Salvage
    Global Seafoods
    Global Seas
    Goldbelt Transportation
    Golden Alaska Seafoods
    Golden West Fisheries
    Great West Seafoods
    Greens Creek Mining Company
    Halibut Point Marine
    Hanson Maritime Co. 
    Harvest Platform
    Heko Services
    High Liner Foods
    Highmark Marine Fabrication
    Hockema Group
    Holland America Line
    Huna Totem Corporation
    Hyak Maritime
    Icy Strait Seafoods
    International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU)
    International Pacific Halibut Commission
    Island Tug and Barge
    KE Fisheries
    Leader Creek Fisheries
    Lisa Melinda Fisheries, Inc.
    Luke Lester
    Magic Fish Company
    Major Marine Tours
    Marathon Fishing Company
    Marathon Petroleum
    Marathon Seafoods
    Marauder Corporation
    Marine Exchange of Southern California
    Maxum Petroleum
    Mineral Services
    Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP
    National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
    N C Power Systems
    North Pacific Seafoods
    North Slope Borough Risk Management
    Northstar Terminal Services
    Norton Sound Economic Development Corporation
    Norwegian Cruise Lines
    OBI Seafoods
    Ocean Conservancy- Arctic Program
    Ocean Peace
    Ocean Storm Fisheries
    Offshore Systems Inc.
    Olson Marine, Inc.
    Optimus Fisheries
    Original Productions/Deadliest Catch
    Our Turn Fisheries
    Pac Cod Inc.
    Pacific Dawn, LLC
    Pacific Pile
    Pacific World
    Paradigm Marine
    Petro Marine Services
    Petro Star Inc.
    Phoenix Processor Limited Partnership
    Polar Tankers
    Port of Alaska
    Port of Bethel
    Port of Dutch Harbor
    Port of Haines
    Port of Homer
    Port of Juneau
    Port of Ketchikan
    Port of Kodiak
    Port MacKenzie-Matanuska Susitna Borough
    Port of Nome
    Port of Petersburg
    Port of Wrangell
    Primus Fisheries
    Prince Rupert Port Authority
    Quintillion Subsea Operations, LLC
    R & B Fisheries
    Raven Enterprises
    Resurrection Bay Seafoods
    Ron Kavanaugh-Sylstar
    Ridge Marine, LLC
    Rondys-Alsea Fisheries
    Ruby Marine
    Runout, LLC
    Samson Tug and Barge
    Satellite Alaska
    Schonbergsen Inc.
    Sea State
    SeaBrook Enterprises
    Seafood Producers Cooperative
    SeaRiver Maritime
    Shemya Fisheries
    Silver Bay Seafoods
    Southeast Alaska Pilots Association
    Southwest Alaska Pilots Association
    St. George Marine
    St. Paul Fishing Company
    STG Incorporate
    Support Vessels of Alaska Inc. 
    Swan Net
    T-Mar LLC
    The Boat Company
    Totem Ocean Trailer Express
    Transport Canada
    Trident Seafoods
    Trucano Construction
    TS Fisheries
    UAF- Seward Marine Center
    UnCruise Adventures
    United Catcher Boats
    United States Seafoods
    United State Coast Guard (USCG)
    Ursa Major Fisheries, LLC
    Viking Orion
    Vitus Marine
    Wandering Falcon Fisheries, LLC
    Ward Cove Group
    Western Marine Construction
    Western Star
    Western Towboat Company
    Weston Solutions
    Westward Fishing Company
    Westward Seafoods
    Widing Aleutian Beauty, LLC
    World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
    Yukon Delta Fisheries Development Assoc.