Realtime Weather
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Select station name for additional information on the site.
Station Name | Wind Spd (kts) |
Wind Dir (True) |
Peak Wind (kts) |
Peak Dir (True) |
Press (mB) |
Temp (F) |
Rel Humidity % |
Dew Pt (F) |
- Wind speed is shown as a 10-minute average (mean)
- Wind direction is a 10-minute vector weighted average
- Wind gust and gust direction show the highest recorded wind speed in the last 10 minutes and the direction of the gust
- This page automatically refreshes every 60 seconds. Last refresh occurred at
The Alaska Ocean Observing System (AOOS) is funding a Marine Exchange project that is adding weather stations to Automatic Identification System (AIS) receiving sites and transmitting weather data over AIS to enhance maritime safety.